The links below will take you to summaries of available grants and funding in the Diocese. You’ll see grant guidelines, application checklists and forms, timelines, grant-specific contact details, and frequently asked questions. Make sure you’re applying for the grant that’s appropriate for your needs and situation.
To give your application the best chance of success, follow the instructions carefully.
For general questions or comments about diocesan grants and funding, contact Rebecca Scott, Grants Administrative Assistant.
For questions specifically about Baker Foundation Grants, Carlton Fund Grants or Ferguson Fund Grants, contact the Property Resources department at
For questions specifically about Reach Grants, contact Elizabeth McCaffrey.
Diocesan grants
For the building of or additions to Sunday Schools.
For repairs or renovations to rectories occupied by clergy.
To imagine how we can be innovative in finding new ways of being Church.
For the construction, purchase, alteration or renovation of a buildings for use as a home for the aged.
For real estate purposes.
For congregational growth.
For new and innovative forms of ministry.
Missional and attractional church grants up to $5,000.
For bridging from a missional Reach Grant to longer-term funding.
For rectors within certain geographic boundaries to fund special projects.
More funding opportunities
Anglican Foundation of Canada
The Anglican Foundation of Canada distributes grants and loans to causes that are new or for which funds are not easily accessed or financed. Programs supported by the Foundation can include building projects, accessibility upgrades, creative arts programs, theological student bursaries, camps, Indigenous prayer and peace circles, and much more.
Find out how to apply for an Anglican Foundation grant.
Bishop’s Company Fund
The Bishop’s Company Fund provides discretionary funds for the bishops so that they might come to the aid of clergy and their families with emergency needs.
The Most Reverend Frederick James Hiltz Scholarship Fund
Due to the ongoing conflict in the Holy Land, this fund is not accepting applications. Please join us in praying for peace in the land of the Holy One.
The Most Reverend Frederick James Hiltz Scholarship Fund provides funding annually across the Anglican Church of Canada to active clergy, members of religious orders, postulants and laity, including Diocesan Centre and parish staff, to attend courses at St. George’s College in Jerusalem. You’ll need to apply through the Diocese, not directly to the fund.
“I have returned from my pilgrimage as a changed person. I cannot pinpoint the change; however, I can say that I am more emotional in my faith, as if the words have leaped from the pages with life and deeper significance. The pilgrimage has given me an immeasurable improvement in my understanding and appreciation of scripture and the places of Jesus’ ministry.” – 2023 scholarship recipient
New & Emerging Ministries Fund
The Anglican Diocese of Toronto Foundation welcomes applications from churches and organizations in the Diocese of Toronto for grants from its New & Emerging Ministries Fund. This fund supports programs that promote the mission of the future Church and parishes that are adapting to thrive in the years ahead by finding new ways to share the gospel in their communities.
The Foundation accepts applications by Jan. 30, April 30, July 30 and Oct. 30 each year.
Family and Children Bursary Fund
Grants are available from the Anglican Diocese of Toronto Foundation to provide financial assistance to students, particularly postulants or those aspiring for Ordination to the priesthood in the Anglican Church of Canada, who are pursing studies in Family and Children Ministry.
The fund aims to support students demonstrating a commitment to enhancing the spiritual well-being of families and children within their communities. These financial grants are intended to ease the burden of tuition fees and provide resources for those dedicated to this vital ministry.
For more information, contact or 416-505-6537. The application deadline is July 31.
Active clergy in the Diocese of Toronto, as well as some diocesan lay staff, may be eligible for Professional Development Grants (diocesan), Discretionary Medical and Dental Grants (diocesan), Sabbatical Grants (National Church), and Moving Expenses.