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FaithWorks donor challenges Anglicans

By Susan McCulloch

Margaret McCain

Seventeen FaithWorks Ministry Partners stand to benefit from a challenge grant offered by an Anglican who was inspired by the apostle Paul’s reminder to the Corinthians that “we who are many are one body” (1 Cor 10:17). Margaret McCain is offering a $75,000 challenge grant that, if successful, will help to raise an additional $150,000 in the 2012 FaithWorks Campaign.

“FaithWorks is able to support so many vital ministries because of the generosity of many, many people,” said Mrs. McCain when she announced the challenge. “My family and I have been richly blessed, and I want to encourage others to consider how God’s promises of blessings and abundance have made a difference in their lives. I hope that my gift will help to inspire others to give generously to support the ministries of our FaithWorks partners.”

Mrs. McCain has offered to match all new and increased donations to FaithWorks raised between July 1 and Nov. 30, 2012. Churches, individuals and corporations who give a higher amount to FaithWorks this year than they did last year will see their increased contributions matched, up to a maximum of $5,000 per contributor.

For example, if a church gave $10,000 to FaithWorks last year and raises $11,000 this year, the challenge grant will provide another $1,000 for a total donation to FaithWorks of $12,000. Individuals, companies and parishes that have never before contributed to FaithWorks are also eligible to have their donations matched.

As of July 18, FaithWorks donations were more than 27 per cent ahead of contributions received during the same time period in 2011. The success of the Our Faith-Our Hope campaign has placed a renewed emphasis on stewardship in parishes throughout the diocese, says Peter Misiaszek, director of Stewardship Development. He says that the increased contributions to FaithWorks are a direct result of that growth in discipleship.

Bishop Philip Poole, who co-chairs the FaithWorks Corporate appeal, praises Mrs. McCain’s extraordinary vision and commitment to helping those in need. “Margaret McCain is known for her generous support of many important causes throughout our community and across Canada,” he says. “Together with her late husband, Wallace, Margaret has always lived her faith through loving service to the church, and by generously sharing God’s blessings with others. Margaret’s leadership in offering this challenge grant is a blessing to all of us who share in the ministry of FaithWorks.”

FaithWorks Ministry Partners depend on FaithWorks support to help them respond to ever-increasing needs throughout the community and around the world. In 2012, FaithWorks Ministry Partners will receive $1.12 million. Parishes have retained $83,147 to support their own outreach initiatives, while Area Councils received a total $36,736 to support priority projects in their areas.

For more information about the McCain Challenge grant or to make a contribution, contact Susan McCulloch, FaithWorks Campaign Manager, at 416-363-6021, ext. 244 (1-800-668-8932 ext. 244) or To make a secure online donation, visit the FaithWorks page.