Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
We, your bishops, were privileged to commemorate Christ’s Passion and glorious Resurrection this past weekend with parishes across our Diocese. Some of these celebrations, however, were sudden changes to our schedules. We found ourselves quickly adapting to emerging needs as COVID-19 infections impacted many of our beloved clergy leaders. We are concerned for all those who have been affected by the pandemic and for those who are feeling ill at this time. We pray you feel better and get well soon!
In light of the current rate of infections in the Diocese of Toronto, and the impact that it is having on our common life together, we have decided that the previously announced move to Green Stage will not take place on April 27, but instead will now take place on on the Feast of Pentecost, Sunday, June 5. On that date, all remaining COVID-related restrictions for gathering and worship will be lifted in the Diocese of Toronto (with the exception of the vaccine mandate for clergy, staff and volunteers). In the meantime, the Diocese of Toronto default position continues to be our Spring Guidelines.
Having said this, those parishes that have already done so for Easter, or were eager to do so for April 27, may proceed with Green Stage if they are comfortable and ready to do so. Please consult with your bishop and/or regional dean so that we are aware of your plans. As previously stated, we anticipate that many parishes will choose to make a staged, or phased, move to Green Stage, lifting restrictions slowly as feels comfortable.
Please continue to use our Q&A email address if you have any queries or concerns.
May the Risen Christ bless us all with great joy.
The College of Bishops
From the Bishop’s Office