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Welcoming Refugees

Welcoming the stranger is an integral part of our Christian faith. In the Old Testament, the people of Israel are frequently reminded of the obligation to care for those who are strangers or foreigners, because of their own history as foreigners in the land of Egypt (Exodus 22:21, Leviticus 19:33-34, Deuteronomy 10:17-19). Jesus, whose family also fled to Egypt to escape persecution by Herod (Matthew 2:13-23), told his followers that those who welcome strangers are welcoming him (Matthew 25:31-40).

Refugee Sunday

Since 2021, our Diocese has celebrated Refugee Sunday in collaboration with the Anglican-United Refugee Alliance (AURA). Refugee Sunday is now a project of the Sponsorship Agreement Holding-dioceses in the Anglican Church of Canada, in collaboration with the Primate’s Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF).

The Primate, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, has invited all dioceses to observe Refugee Sunday at some point in the month leading up to World Refugee Day on June 20.  Resources to help you celebrate Refugee Sunday can be found at the PWRDF website.


Supporting Ukrainian Newcomers

Since the invasion of the Ukraine began in February 2022, the Canadian government has created a pathway for Ukrainians fleeing the conflict to come to Canada through the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel. This provides temporary residency status for Ukrainian nationals for up to 3 years, including work and study permits and access to healthcare.

While Ukrainians arriving via this pathway are not sponsored refugees, they still need some support while settling in Canada. Find out how you can support Ukrainian newcomers.

Refugee sponsorship

Canada is internationally regarded as a leader in refugee protection. In 1986, the UN’s annual Nansen Refugee Award was given to the “people of Canada” in honour of outstanding service to the cause of refugees. In fact, Canada’s celebrated private sponsorship program was established in large part due to the advocacy and action of Christian churches.

Today, churches and other faith communities continue to make up the majority of organizations recognized as Sponsorship Agreement Holders with the Canadian government for the welcoming and resettlement of refugees.

The Diocese of Toronto is a Sponsorship Agreement Holder and works with AURA (the Anglican-United Refugee Alliance) to sponsor refugees through our parishes. Parishes interested in undertaking a refugee sponsorship should contact AURA for details of, and guidance through, the process. All refugee sponsorship undertakings by parishes must be approved by the Diocese.

AURA and the Diocese also invite sponsoring parishes to connect to share information and best practices as well as questions and concerns. A diocesan network has been  established for this purpose. To join the network or to be added to the mailing list, contact Elin Goulden, diocesan Social Justice & Advocacy Consultant and AURA liaison.


Our call to welcome the stranger also leads us to address policy issues that directly affect the well-being of refugee claimants and other migrants. Anglicans in our Diocese have advocated for individual refugee claimants, against cuts to health care for refugees and against policies that put vulnerable people in danger.

Recent developments in the U.S. have led many refugee advocates to advocate for the rescinding of the Safe Third Country Agreement between Canada and the U.S. Our justice partner Citizens for Public Justice has produced an excellent resource, including background material and a sample letter.