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Churchwardens’ Return

Each year, congregations need to complete and submit summary forms to the Synod Office and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). These annual reports provide statistical information that’s vital to planning.

Online parish portal

The Incumbent’s Annual Statistical Return and the Churchwardens’ Parochial Return can be completed online. The due date was March 15. Online submission is closed.  If you need a hard copy of the Incumbent’s Annual Statistical Return, contact Ajith Philip and for the Churchwardens’ Parochial Return, contact Keri Stilling.

Each congregation has two usernames: one for the Incumbent’s Annual Statistical Return, and one for the Churchwardens’ Parochial Return. The username and password for each congregation are the same as in previous years. If you do not have the login credentials, the Priest may request the details for the Incumbent’s Return credentials, and the Churchwardens may request the details for the Churchwarden’s Parochial return. If you have questions or need help accessing the online portal, please contact Jennipher Kean.


Incumbent’s Annual Statistical Return

This return provides parochial statistics, as well as the names and contact information of your congregation’s Lay Members of Synod. The incumbent or priest-in-charge should complete this return.

If you need a hard copy, contact Ajith Philip, Synod and Administrative Assistant.

Churchwardens’ Parochial Return

This return provides financial statistics that are the basis for accurately and fairly calculating the allotment for each congregation. The churchwardens should complete this return.

If you need a hard copy, contact Keri Stilling, General Accountant.


2025 Allotment Calculations, Deanery Reports

Responsible Ministry: Screening in Faith section

The Responsible Ministry: Screening in Faith policy has been in place since 2003 to help parishes make sure their places of ministry are safe and healthy. As part of their annual returns, all congregations are required to report compliance with screening indicators.

Tips for completing the forms:

  • Make sure the responses on the Incumbent’s Annual Statistical Return and the Churchwardens’ Parochial Return match. The corporation should have a conversation about the congregation’s compliance before completing the returns. If the two returns don’t match, your congregation will be deemed “not in compliance.”
  • Every congregation has a minimum of two people serving in high-risk ministry positions – the churchwardens. Other positions that must be assessed as high-risk are all clergy, including honorary assistants; organists and music directors; parish employees; lay anointers; and those involved in residential or off-site ministries with children or vulnerable adults.
  • The returns state “as of December 31.” This means the completion of screening for individuals who were in their ministry positions up to and including Dec. 31 of the year the return applies to. You have the period from Dec. 31 until you submit the returns to make sure their screening is completed.
  • Check out the resources and templates for help with every step in the screening process.

There are possible consequences that could be applied if your congregation isn’t in compliance with screening requirements. If you need any help or have questions about completing this section of the returns, get in touch with the Human Resources Department.

Canada Revenue Agency reports

For fiscal periods after Jan. 1, 2013, follow the below links from the CRA website. The form can be submitted by mail or electronically through My Business Account (MyBA).

  • Form T3010
  • Guide to Completing the Registered Charity Information Return – T4033

Churchwardens need to fill out and submit this form to the CRA annually. It’s due within six months of the fiscal year-end and is necessary to maintain charitable status.