Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To subscribe to Bulletin Board, sign up online. To submit an item, email editor@toronto.anglican.ca.
Diocesan Business
Reminder: renew your police record check
The Responsible Ministry: Screening in Faith policy states that all active clergy (including chaplains, deacons and honorary assistants), parish employees, churchwardens and volunteers in high-risk ministry must have their police record checks renewed every three years through XpressChek. It’s your responsibility to keep track of when you last completed a police record check and when you’re due for renewal. Get in touch with your parish’s screening coordinator to make sure your application is submitted. You can find the forms and instructions on the Screening Forms & Resources page (appendix M – police record check).
Diocesan allotment calculations available to churchwardens and treasurers
Diocesan allotment calculations for 2020 will be mailed today. If you have not received your notification by Oct. 10, contact Sarah Fang at 416-363-6021 (1-800-668-8932) ext. 239 or sfang@toronto.anglican.ca to receive a copy. Appeals of allotment must be made in writing by Dec. 31 to the attention of Sarah Fang for the Executive Board. Congregations are encouraged to respond earlier so timely arrangements can be made. Appeals must be supported by:
- A letter stating the specific amount being appealed and the proposed allotment amount.
- Reasons for the appeal.
- Audited financial statements for 2018 if the Diocese does not already have them.
- Financial statements for the first three quarters of 2019.
Any questions concerning appeals or allotment calculations may be made to Sarah Fang.
T1213 packages mailed
The 2019 T1213 package for clergy receiving a housing allowance was mailed at the end of August. If you would like a reduction of tax at source, you need to file form T1213 and receive written approval from the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA). If you have not yet submitted your paperwork to the CRA, you should do so immediately to avoid delays. If you receive a housing allowance and have not yet received your T1213 package, contact Sarah Fang at 416-363-6021 (1-800-668-8932) ext. 239 immediately.
Diocesan Events
Last chance to register for Synod
Today is the last day to register for the upcoming regular session of Synod. Register online. For more details about Synod, see the 2019 Regular Synod section.
Series explores end-of-life issues
Are you curious about the Christian understanding of death, or how the medical community is responding to new legislation for medical assistance in dying? Are you wondering about how to prepare your funeral or appoint a power of attorney? Supporting Each Other in Dying, a three-part series at St. James Cathedral, will explore end-of-life issues from the perspective of theology, medical practice and ethics, and legal and liturgical preparations. The sessions will take place at 7 p.m. on Oct. 8, Oct. 15 and Oct. 22. For more details, visit stjamescathedral.ca/supporting.
Dinner raises funds for West Indies
Bishop Andrew Asbil will be the guest speaker at this year’s Bishops Basil Tonks and Arthur Brown Fundraising Dinner, held Nov. 2 at St. Andrew, Scarborough. The evening will begin with a Eucharist at 5 p.m. followed by the dinner at 6:30 p.m. The annual event, hosted by the Canadian Friends to West Indian Christians, raises funds for ministry in the Caribbean. Tickets are $60 each. For more details, see the poster and brochure.
Pre-Synod meetings coming up
Each episcopal area will hold a pre-Synod meeting to prepare for the upcoming Regular Session of Synod. This is the forum for Synod members to engage in discussion and debate on items being brought before Synod for approval. Learn more on the Pre-Synod Meetings page. The dates and locations are:
- Oct. 23, 7-9 p.m. at St. John the Baptist, Dixie
- Oct. 24, 7-9 p.m. at St. John, York Mills
- Oct. 26, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Trinity Church, Aurora
- Oct. 26, 2-4 p.m. at St. Thomas, Brooklin
Young adults invited to learn about Taizé pilgrimage
Are you 18-29 years old and interested in visiting Taizé, an ecumenical community in France that welcomes young adults to live the rhythms of monastic life for one week? Are you free May 15-24, 2020? Come to an information session at Church of the Redeemer, Bloor St. on Oct. 27 at 5:30 p.m., followed by Taizé prayer at 7 p.m. For more information, contact hilary@theredeemer.ca.
Tickets on sale for Bishop’s Company Dinner
The Bishop’s Company 58th Annual Dinner, presented by Jim Fleck and family in memory of the Rev. Dr. Margaret Fleck, will take place on Oct. 18 from 5:30-9 p.m. at the Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel. This year’s speaker is Bishop Andrew Asbil, and the Mike Daley Band will be playing. Tickets are available on the Bishop’s Company website. If you have any questions, contact Melissa Doidge at 416-363-6021 (1-800-668-8932) ext. 243 or mdoidge@toronto.anglican.ca.
Lectures explore theology, liturgy and the public square
How does faith engage and speak to the community beyond the church doors? How does the public square give the faith community a perspective of God? Join St. James Cathedral and the Anglican Foundation of Canada for the 2019 Snell Lecture Series on Oct. 27-28 to explore how worship, ritual, prayer and our understanding of God find meaning and shape in the public square, led by the Rev. Canon Dr. Lizette Larson-Miller. Admission is free and all are welcome. Register online.
Outreach Conference explores resilience and hope
The Outreach & Advocacy Conference will be held on Oct. 19 at Havergal College, with the theme “Grounded and Growing in Christ: Church as a centre of resistance and hope.” Participants will explore how the Church can counter injustice with strategies of resilience and hope. The cost is $30, or $15 for students or the unemployed. Learn more and register on the Outreach Conference page. Registration closes Oct. 6.
Area Events
Doctrine of Discovery film screened in Trent-Durham
Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen Lands, Strong Hearts is a powerful documentary produced by the Primate’s Commission on Discovery, Reconciliation and Justice. It will be screened twice this month in Trent-Durham:
- Oct. 6 at 1:30 p.m. at St. Paul, Lindsay. The Rev. Leigh Kern, Coordinator of Indigenous Ministries and Reconciliation Animator, will lead discussion.
- Oct. 26 at 9 a.m. at St. Mark, Port Hope, with conversation facilitated by members of all the Anglican churches in Port Hope.
Retired clergy invited to annual luncheon
The annual Eucharist and luncheon for retired clergy and their spouses in Trent-Durham is being held on Oct. 10 at 11:30 a.m. at St. George, Pickering Village (Ajax). Contact your regional dean to register.
Save the date: clergy away day
Trent-Durham will hold a clergy away day on Nov. 16 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at All Saints, Peterborough. More details to come. Contact your regional dean to register.
External Events
Godly Play training offered
Godly Play core training with accreditation as a storyteller/doorperson will be offered on Oct. 24-26 at St. George on-the-Hill, Toronto. Participants will hear and tell stories in the three languages of Godly Play and engage in three plenary presentations. The cost is $350 per person. Learn more and register on the Godly Play website.
Register now for children’s ministry conference
Registration is open for the Toronto Children’s Ministry Conference, a gathering of people dedicated to the spiritual growth of children – parents, church volunteers, ministry leaders and anyone who has a passion for ministering to children. This year’s conference will take place on Nov. 2 at Tyndale University College and Seminary. For updates and to register, visit the conference website.
Parish launches centre for spiritual growth
The Centre for Spiritual Growth is a new venture of St. John, Dixie starting this fall as a place to explore and experience spiritual growth through spiritual direction, experiential workshops, day retreats and space for quiet. Whether a churchgoer or one who seeks a spiritual path, all are welcome to participate in the programs offered. To learn more about the centre and its upcoming events, download the brochure.
Clergy reminded of wellness resources
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as looking after your physical health. To help promote mental health, Morneau Sheppell, which provides the diocesan Clergy/Employee Assistance Program (EAP), produces a monthly newsletter called “Balance.” See September’s newsletter. Clergy are encouraged to use the EAP resources, which include monthly newsletters and confidential short-term counselling and information services. For more information, see the EAP page or ask the Human Resources staff for a brochure. This program is available to all clergy who are part of the diocesan centralized payroll.
HR tip: hiring staff
There are obvious advantages to hiring parishioners, because they know about the congregation and understand the functions of the church. On the other hand, the priest must function as both supervisor and pastoral caregiver. To safeguard the interests of the parish and the individual, and with an eye to the Human Rights Code, strive to choose the most qualified and gifted person for the position. If that person is a parishioner, speak openly and frankly about how their relationship with the clergy and church will change. The Ontario Human Rights Commission produces a document called Human Rights at Work, which includes a section on interviewing and making hiring decisions. As responsible employers, parishes must make sure their practices comply with all appropriate legislation. For more details, see the Hiring Staff page.
Federal election resources available
The Canadian Council of Churches, Citizens for Public Justice and KAIROS have all prepared resources with background information on key justice issues at stake in the upcoming federal election, as well as questions to ask of candidates. Find links to these resources on the Social Justice and Advocacy page. Take time to learn about the issues and the platforms and commitments of the various parties; hold the candidates and our nation in prayer; and don’t forget to cast your vote.
Next Reach Grant deadline approaching
Is the spirit of God prompting you to try a new ministry idea to reach those not currently served by traditional church? Do you have the time, the people and the vision? Do you need some help with resources? Let us help you achieve that missional vision with a Reach Grant. Submit a proposal to reach@toronto.anglican.ca by Oct. 11. Visit the Reach Grants page for more information.
Staff Changes
Mary Taccone has joined the Trent-Durham area office temporarily as the bishop’s assistant. You can reach her at mtaccone@toronto.anglican.ca.