Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To submit an item, email editor@toronto.anglican.ca. Add your parish events to the online calendar.
Diocesan business
Parishes asked to avoid mailing cheques
In light of the Canada Post strike, parishes issuing cheques to the Synod Office should issue payment via courier or electronic funds transfer (contact Rebecca Scott for EFT information) or drop off cheques at 135 Adelaide St. E., Toronto. If these aren’t options for your parish, wait to mail cheques until the strike has ended.
Clergy remuneration memo posted
The annual Clergy Remuneration Information memo for 2025 is now available. There are changes to the cost-of-living adjustment and the unit rate. The notification of next year’s medical benefit premiums and life insurance premiums will be released by the Pension Office around the end of November. A revised memorandum will be posted as soon as possible.
T1213 packages mailed
The 2025 T1213 package for clergy receiving a housing allowance was mailed in August. You need to file form T1213 and receive written approval from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) before being allowed a reduction of tax at source. If you haven’t yet submitted your paperwork, you should do so immediately. Since Canada Post is currently on strike, fax your request to 418-562-3368 or 1-833-697-2401 and keep the confirmation that the fax was sent for your records. If the CRA requests the T1223 Clergy Residence Deduction form, contact Keri Stilling and she can send you a new form.
Deadlines approaching for license and lease documents
For agreements starting January 2025, the deadline to receive completed documents is Nov. 21. For agreements starting in February, the deadline for completed documents is Dec. 16. Send the documents for licenses and leases to Daiane Monteiro, and send grant applications to Mac Moreau.
Churches reminded of screening requirements for annual returns
Before you complete your annual returns, take the time to review screening files for staff and volunteers engaged in ministry in 2024. Has everything been completed? If some items are outstanding, make sure they’re finished before the annual returns are due. For more information about how to fill out the screening section, see Responsible Ministry Screening in Faith – Completion of Annual Returns. There are also screening resources available to help you implement the screening policy. If you have any questions, contact Lily Chow.
Allotment calculations posted
Diocesan allotment calculations for 2025 are available on the Annual Returns page. Appeals of allotment must be made in writing by Dec. 31 to the attention of Patricia D’Souza for the Finance Committee. Congregations are encouraged to respond earlier so timely arrangements can be made. Appeals must be supported by:
- A letter stating the specific amount being appealed and the proposed allotment amount.
- Reasons for the appeal.
- Audited financial statements for 2023 if the Diocese does not already have those documents.
- Financial statements for the first three quarters of 2024.
Any questions concerning appeals or allotment calculations may be made to Keri Stilling.
Diocesan events
Open house honours Canon Rob Saffrey
After five years as executive director and a career in the Church that started in 1992, Canon Robert Saffrey is retiring at the end of December. All are welcome to celebrate with Rob at an open house on Dec. 12 from 2-4 p.m. in the Johnson Boardroom on the second floor of the Synod Office, 135 Adelaide St. E. Short remarks will take place at 3 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.
Service celebrates Black heritage of the Church
The first service celebrating the Black heritage of the Church in the Diocese of Toronto was held on Feb. 25, 1996 at St. James Cathedral. To mark the 30th anniversary of this event, the cathedral is inviting Anglicans across the Diocese to a Eucharistic celebration celebrating the life and ministry of Black Anglicans in the Diocese on Feb. 23 at 4:30 p.m. More details will follow.
Season launches new workshops
Registration is open for the winter workshops through the Season of Spiritual Renewal. Topics include using icons in prayer and preaching, including children and teens in worship, thinking theologically about music in worship and more. Get the details and sign up on the workshops page.
Churches hold vigil for peace
The churches of Sutton and Jackson’s Pont have begun holding monthly candlelight prayer vigils on the green space of St. James, Sutton (31 River St.) on the third Monday of each month. The next vigil will take place on Nov. 25 at 5 p.m. with an emphasis on peace and donations collected for the local Christmas toy and gift card drive. For more information, contact the Rev. Nancy Glover.
Bishops lead Advent series
As part of the Season of Spiritual Renewal, the Diocese’s bishops will lead “Advent For Everyone,” four evenings of prayer and reflection. Sessions will take place on Tuesdays starting Nov. 26 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. on Zoom. Read the news story for more details and register on the Season of Spiritual Renewal Workshops page. You can download a poster for your bulletin board and use some cut-and-paste text for your Sunday bulletin to promote the sessions
If your parish is planning to gather people in-person for a watch party, you can register for each session once as a church. Your group will participate as its own break-out room. You can also use a Canva template to create your own poster for the watch party.
Cathedral hosts Snell Lecture
St. James Cathedral will host its next Snell Lecture on Dec. 8. Dr. Brian Walsh will connect Leonard Cohen’s songs and poetry with scripture, grounding his artistry in biblical imagination. The event begins at 4:30 p.m. at St. James Cathedral with a Eucharistic liturgy and homily focusing on the second Sunday of Advent, exploring the link between John the Baptist and Leonard Cohen. After the Eucharist and a reception, Mr. Walsh will give the Snell Lecture at 6 p.m. and celebrate the launch of his new book. Visit the cathedral’s website for more details.
External events
Advent course considers peace
Are you dreaming of peace in a world of war, homes in the midst of rubble, gardens on barren land? So was the prophet Isaiah. Join biblical scholar Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat for the online course “Comfort for the Bruised Reed: Isaiah’s Vision for a New World” on Mondays from 7-9 p.m. during Advent. For more information, or to register, visit www.bibleremixed.ca.
Prayer cycle coming
The new Outreach Prayer Cycle, which begins on the first Sunday of Advent, will be available on the Prayer Resources page by 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 25.
Conference videos posted
Videos of the workshops from this year’s Outreach & Advocacy Conference have been posted on the diocesan YouTube channel.
Anti-hate prevention grants available
The application portal for the Ontario Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant re-opened on Oct. 31 and will remain open until Dec. 2. This grant aims to combat hate in Ontario and build stronger, safer and more inclusive communities. Parishes may be eligible for a grant of $5,000, $7,500 or $10,000. Parishes that applied previously can apply again for 2024-2025. For more information, visit the grant web page.
Job postings
Parishes seeking bookkeeper
Christ Church, Deer Park and Grace Church on-the-Hill are jointly hiring a bookkeeper. This role would be approximately two days per week in each church (for an aggregate of four days per week). See the full job description for more details. Apply by Dec. 10 to Amanda Jagt, director of parish operations at Christ Church, Deer Park, at ajagt@christchurchdeerpark.org.
Cathedral seeks missioner
St. James Cathedral is seeking to appoint a full-time Canon Missioner, serving as a senior partner in the cathedral’s ministry leadership team to lead evangelism and discipleship, lay ministry and pastoral care. See the full job post for more details. To apply, email your cover letter and resume to Serena Li, dean’s assistant, at sli@stjamescathedral.ca.
Music director wanted
St. Francis of Assisi, Meadowvale is searching for a new music director. Responsibilities include playing the keyboard at the weekly 10 a.m. Sunday service, as well as at special services; directing the choir and encouraging new members; and holding a weekly choir practice. There is currently a monthly contemporary music service with guitar and piano. Familiarity with Anglican liturgy and hymns is beneficial. Resumes will be accepted by email to st.francis.of.assisi.news@gmail.com.
Children’s minister sought
St. Paul, Bloor Street is seeking a children’s minister who will be responsible for planning, coordinating, and leading the children’s ministry program, which includes children from birth to Grade 5. This position is for 20 to 35 hours per week with a yearly salary. Learn more in the full job post. Apply to HR@stpaulsbloor.org with “Children’s Minister” in the subject line.
Parish seeks hospitality coordinator
Little Trinity is looking for a friendly and reliable individual to take responsibility for the hospitality and care of the building and parishioners while offering a friendly environment for Sunday morning services. There is a small component of cleaning and facility maintenance for the building and grounds. Find a detailed job posting on the parish’s website. To apply, submit a resume to the facilities manager at facilities@littletrinity.org. The position is open until filled.
Parish seeks part-time youth leader
St. Paul the Apostle, Rexdale is seeking a youth leader to lead, inspire and encourage its young people in their faith journey. The successful candidate will plan, develop, and implement a creative Church School curriculum for youth on Sundays, and support their spiritual guidance. See the full job post for more details. To apply, forward a resume and cover letter to the Rev. Randy Williams at revstpaulrexdale@gmail.com or contact the church office at 416-743-1993 by Nov. 29.
Administrative assistant wanted
Church of the Redeemer, Bloor St. is seeking a full-time administrative assistant who can move easily between performing daily routine tasks in the church office to supporting leadership in the administrative aspects of their roles while ensuring a welcoming environment for parishioners, volunteers, guests and staff. See the full job post for more details. Apply to AdvisoryBoard@theredeemer.ca.