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Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board Feb. 23

Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To subscribe to Bulletin Board, email your name, parish and email address to or sign up online.

T4 slips mailed to clergy
T4 slips were mailed to clergy late last week. If you do not receive yours, contact Claire Wilton at 416-363-6021 (1-800-668-8932), ext. 239 or

Feedback invited in strategic planning survey
The Diocese is seeking input into the development of the next comprehensive strategic plan. To ensure that the plan reflects the perspectives of various stakeholders, a team from OPTIMUS|SBR (an independent consulting firm) is conducting an online survey to gather opinions on the Diocese’s future direction. Learn more and complete the 10-minute survey online by Feb. 29.

York-Credit Valley confirmands invited to meet bishop
Bishop Philip Poole and Rosemary MacAdam, youth ministry coordinator, invite York-Credit Valley youth confirmands to attend an evening of fellowship on March 29 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Holy Spirit of Peace, 1170 Tynegrove Rd., Mississauga. This informal gathering gives confirmation candidates a chance to meet Bishop Poole before the confirmation services in their parishes. The event is open to young people from about Grade 6 to Grade 12 and those in university. All confirmands should be accompanied by a parent, guardian or priest from their parish. Light refreshments will be served. Register online by March 22.

Parishes reminded of screening requirements for high-risk ministry positions
As annual Vestry meetings approach, incumbents and churchwardens are asked to ensure that individuals nominated for election to high-risk ministry positions (particularly churchwarden) are aware of the screening requirements under the Responsible Ministry: Screening in Faith policy.

It is important to be upfront about these requirements so individuals can make informed choices about how they would like to offer their gifts. Remind those nominated for high-risk positions that they will be required to participate in the screening process before they begin their new ministry. There are 11 items that must be completed for high-risk positions, including:

For more information about screening requirements, read the Implementing Screening Standards section of the diocesan website.

Refugee resettlement discussed in presentation
A presentation of on-the-ground experience and analysis for those involved in refugee resettlement is being held at St. Barnabas, Chester on March 6 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. The speaker will be Dr. Paul Kingston, associate professor of political science and international development studies at the University of Toronto. This is a free event. For more information, see the event listing.

Retreat on healing ministries offered
InterChurch Health Ministries Canada is holding a retreat, open to all congregants, health committees, clergy, lay leaders, parish nurses and individuals interested in health and healing ministry. It will take place from the evening of March 4 to the morning of March 6 at Jackson’s Point Conference Centre, 1890 Metro Rd. N., Jackson’s Point. The cost is $191.39 for double accommodation or $282.17 for single accommodation. Visit the ICHM website for more information or to register.

All invited to interfaith series on mercy
Scarboro Missions, a society of Canadian Catholics, is hosting an interfaith series on mercy from the Jewish, Muslim and Christian perspectives. The series will take place on three successive Thursdays:

  • March 8: Dr. Murray Watson, professor of biblical studies and interreligious dialogue at Huron University College.
  • March 15: Rabbi Ed Elkin of the First Narayever Jewish Congregation in Toronto.
  • March 22: Dr. Hamid Slimi, chair and senior lecturer of the Canadian Centre for Deen Studies.

Each session will take place from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Scarboro Missions, 2685 Kingston Rd., Toronto. There is no registration or admission fee, but a voluntary offering is appreciated. For more information, contact Sister Lucy Thorson at 416-261-7135, ext. 244 or, or visit the Scarboro Missions website.

Parish leaders invited to workshops
Are you a leader in your parish or thinking about becoming one? Not sure what to do or what’s involved? Save the date for a parish administration workshop in your episcopal area:

Cottages on Lake Simcoe available to clergy
Anglican clergy (licensed priests and deacons) and their families are invited to rent cottages at a reasonable cost at The Church Camp on Lake Simcoe in July and August. Two- and three-bedroom cottages are fully equipped except for bedding and towels. Rental costs are $963 for a month, $292 for a week or $53 daily. For more information or to book a cottage, contact Kathy Forster at or 905-320-1112.

Trent-Durham hosts area day
The annual Trent-Durham Area Day takes place on March 5 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at St. Peter, Cobourg. This year’s event will feature the theme “Who Is My Neighbour?” The day begins with opening prayer and an address by Bishop Linda Nicholls, followed by two workshop sessions. A children’s program is available for children aged 4-9. Visit the Trent-Durham page to see the workshop options. Register online by Feb. 25.

Forgiveness training seminar offered to clergy and counselors
Clergy, chaplains, spiritual directors, counselors and others are invited to “Teach Them How to Forgive,” a day-long training program led by the Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle. The program offers specific steps to lead a person from resentment to forgiveness. It will take place on March 4 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at All Saints, Kingsway, 2850 Bloor St. W., Toronto. The cost is $150 and online registration is open. To learn more, visit the Clergy Leadership Institute website or contact Elizabeth McCaffrey at 416-363-6021 (1-800-668-8932), ext. 226.

Service celebrates black heritage
The Diocese’s 21st annual Black Heritage Service will be held on Feb. 28 at St. Paul, Bloor Street. This year’s theme is “Strengthening our Foundation – Honouring our Seniors.” There will be a sing-along at 4 p.m. followed by the service at 4:30 p.m. All are invited. February is Black History Month in Canada.

Webinar examines Christian healing
InterChurch Health Ministries Canada is holding a webinar called “The Church as a Place of Health and Healing” on April 19 at 7:30 p.m. It will examine the theological foundations of Christian healing ministry and survey its biblical origins, historical development, the various forms it has taken and how parish nursing continues to evolve within this framework. Visit the ICHM website for more information, and register by emailing

Appreciative Inquiry course returns to Toronto
The Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle, Appreciative Inquiry coach and Episcopal priest, is offering his Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry course March 1-3, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at St. Andrew, Scarborough. This training is particularly useful to clergy and full-time lay leaders. Appreciative Inquiry is based on the idea of discovering what gives life to an organization and building the organization on those life-giving properties. The course is being offered for $400. Register online or contact Melissa Doidge at or 416-363-6021 (1-800-668-8932), ext. 243. Spaces are limited and cannot be held without payment. This is an eligible Continuing Education expense. Learn more online or contact Elizabeth McCaffrey at for more information.

Ecumenical chaplain wanted
The McMaster Campus Ministries Council in Hamilton is seeking an ecumenical chaplain. This is a full-time position for 10 months over the academic year and includes year-round housing. The chaplain will be a consistent presence on campus with a responsibility for building relationships and ministering to individuals and the particular needs of a university community. Apply to Anne Cholewka at by Feb. 29 with a current CV, a letter of application and three references. For more information, see the full job posting.

Parish seeks director of music
Holy Trinity, Thornhill is seeking a part-time director of music to continue and further develop a program facilitating a balance of vibrant traditional and contemporary Anglican worship. The ideal candidate is an excellent musician with experience and knowledge of liturgical, traditional, gospel and contemporary music, the ability to play organ and piano, and skills in leading and teaching choral music. A Bachelor of Music in organ performance, ARCCO or Master of Sacred Music organist qualifications are preferred. The position will be a minimum of 10 hours per week. Remuneration will be commensurate with experience and qualifications according to RCCO guidelines. Apply with a resume and cover letter by March 31 to Holy Trinity Church, 140 Brooke St., Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 or See a full position description on the parish’s website.