Throughout Synod, members hear about how the Diocese is living out its vision in the Missional & Outreach Moments – how communities are moving beyond their walls to find new ways of meeting people who are not being reached by traditional forms of Church, and how our churches are reaching out to the poor, the marginalized and the homeless.
Synod 2023
Scarborough Steeplechase
The Scarborough Steeplechase is a 10-km scavenger hunt through the parishes in Scarborough Deanery, starting at Holy Trinity, Guildwood and ending at St. Timothy, Agincourt.
All Saints, Peterborough
Learn about the inspirational and exciting ministries that All Saints, Peterborough has to offer.
Abundant Garden
Abundant Garden is a ministry of St. John, East Orangeville. It is a little about food and a lot about community.
Common Table
The Common Table is the drop-in community at Church of the Redeemer, Bloor St in downtown Toronto. A place where people come and gather in a safe place finding community.
Hiking Church
The Bishop’s Committee on Creation Care shares its Hiking Church project.
St. George, Allandale
St. George, Allandale shares its missional and outreach activities.
Synod 2022
Parish of Georgina
Beautiful, historic and with almost 10,000 personal visits by the public, the Parish of Georgina is one of the most visited parishes during the summer.
Christ Church St. James
Café Church is about people coming together in a café and praising the Lord. Café Church is about taking the church outside the church building.
St. Luke, Creemore
St. Luke, Creemore started having a foodbank catering to the needs of 13-15 families around the community with the support of vendors nearby and volunteers.
All Saints, Whitby
All Saints’ Community Garden was built with the notion of sharing the love of God, and to share with those who are in need, bringing the community closer.
St. John, Bowmanville
St. John, Bowmanville created a prayer labyrinth keeping in mind that not only the parish members, but whoever needs to have a deeper and closer relationship with God, can attain it through the labyrinth.