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42 named to Order of the Diocese of Toronto

The following people have been named to the Order of the Diocese of Toronto, created to honour outstanding lay people in the Church in the Diocese of Toronto:

  • Mr. Jack Adams, ODT, St. Luke, Peterborough
  • Mr. John Amesbury, ODT, Parish of Ida and Omemee
  • Ms. Evernese Benskin, ODT, St. Stephen in-the-Fields
  • Mrs. Janice Biehn Douglas, ODT, St. Olave, Swansea
  • Mrs. Pauline Bourne, ODT, St. Hilda, Fairbank
  • Mrs. Audrey Bowers, ODT, Holy Spirit of Peace
  • Mrs. Marylou Bowles, ODT, St. Matthew and St. Aidan, Buckhorn
  • Mrs. Marylin Cartmill, ODT, All Saints, King City
  • Mr. Brian Clarke, ODT, St. Mary Magdalene
  • Ms. Hilda Cole, ODT, Parish of Belmont
  • Mr. Philip Conliffe, ODT, St. Martin in-the-Fields
  • Mrs. Barbara Coolen, ODT, Trinity – St. Paul, Port Credit
  • Mrs. Nancy Cutler, ODT, Holy Trinity, Thornhill
  • Mr. Ezra Cyrus, ODT, Epiphany and St. Mark, Parkdale
  • Ms. Edith Davis, ODT, St. John the Baptist (Dixie)
  • Mrs. Jane De Cheverry, ODT, St. Hilary (Cooksville)
  • Mrs. June Dyer, ODT, Christ Church, Stouffville
  • Ms. Elizabeth, Fowl, ODT, St. Matthias, Bellwoods
  • Mrs. Joy Gannicott, ODT, Trinity Church, Aurora
  • Ms. Tina George, ODT, St. Bede
  • Ms. Kim Gollinger, ODT, Parish of Georgina
  • Mrs. Wendy Graham, ODT, St. Anne, Toronto
  • Ms. Joyce Green, ODT, St. Francis of Assisi, Meadowvale West
  • Mr. Tim Holman, ODT, St. George by the Grange
  • Mr. Walter Howell, ODT, St. John the Evangelist, Peterborough
  • Mrs. Evelyn Hullah, ODT, Ascension, Don Mills
  • Mr. Bill Hullah, ODT, Ascension, Don Mills
  • Mr. Tom Johnston, ODT, Parish of Roches Point
  • Ms. Becky Jones, ODT, Holy Trinity, Thornhill
  • Mr. Philip Kwan, ODT, St. John, Willowdale
  • Mr. John Lindsay, ODT, St. Peter, Cobourg
  • Mr. Robert Longworth, ODT, St. Michael and All Angels
  • Ms. Jackie Lue, ODT, Christ Church, Woodbridge
  • Ms. Margie Lyttle, ODT, St. George on Yonge
  • Mrs. Marlene Mueller, ODT, St. James the Apostle, Sharon
  • Ms. Bridget North, ODT, St. John the Baptist, Norway
  • Ms. Benita Pong, ODT, St. Christopher
  • Mr. Michael Rowland, ODT, St. Thomas, Huron Street
  • Mr. Paul Seto, ODT, St. Elizabeth Church, Mississauga
  • Mr. Gary Spence, ODT, St. Peter (Erindale)
  • Mr.  Michael Willmot, ODT, St. Paul, Bloor Street
  • Mrs. Diana Wong, ODT, St. Christopher

They will be honoured during choral evensong on Jan. 1 at 3:30 p.m. at St. James Cathedral. The service will be live streamed on the diocesan YouTube channel.