Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To submit an item, email editor@toronto.anglican.ca.
Diocesan business
Tax documents mailed
Clergy should note that T4s and the T1223 forms for calculating the Clergy Residence Deduction for line 231 of their tax return were mailed together in the same envelope on Feb. 22. If you haven’t received these documents, contact Keri Stilling at 647-578-9747 (1-800-668-8932, ext. 239) or kstilling@toronto.anglican.ca.
Parish portal open for submissions
The online parish portal is open and accepting submissions for the Incumbent’s Annual Statistical Return and the Churchwardens’ Parochial Return. The portal is available at parishportal.toronto.anglican.ca. The deadline is March 15. Visit the Annual Returns page for more information.
Conference team seeking members
Clergy Conference is coming up on May 27-29 at Trent University, and the planning committee could use a few more members to help it come together. Do you enjoy event planning and socializing? Were you going to attend Clergy Conference anyway? Contact Canon Mary Conliffe if you’re willing to be part of the fun team.
Follow up on vestry motion
Did your parish present this year’s social justice vestry motion on protecting and advancing the right to housing? Did it pass as written, or did you make amendments? Let Elin Goulden know, including the text of what was passed if the motion was amended. Incumbents and priests-in-charge are also reminded to check the appropriate box about the vestry motion when they complete the Incumbent’s Annual Return. Parishes and individuals who supported the motion may wish to use template letters to write to their MPs and MPPs about the measures called for in the motion.
Diocesan events
Conversation explores kids’ ministry
There will be a Zoom gathering on March 7 at 7 p.m. to discuss Children and Young Family Ministry – Beyond Sunday. This opportunity to listen and learn from each other is open to anyone interested in hearing or sharing “beyond Sunday” program ideas that encourage children and young families. You don’t have to have programs running to be part of this discussion, but those who do can come and share. Get in touch with Canon Laura Walton at lwalton@toronto.anglican.ca if you’d like to join the conversation.
Save the date: healing ministries workshops
There will be two healing ministries events this spring. More details and registration links will follow:
- Refresher Day for all Healing Ministries, May 25 at All Saints, Whitby
- Lay Anointer’s Training Day, June 8 at St. Peter, Erindale
Congregations called to invite, welcome, connect
The Congregational Development department is hosting an “Invite, Welcome, Connect” workshop to equip and empower congregations of all sizes and locations to adopt intentional practices of evangelism, hospitality and inclusion. It will take place on April 27 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The session will be hybrid, but in-person attendance is encouraged. More information and registration will follow.
Walk remembers victims of opioid epidemic
All are invited to mark Good Friday by joining in a Stations of the Cross walk at All Saints, Sherbourne, 315 Dundas St. E., Toronto. Starting at 9 a.m. on March 29, the walk memorializes those who have suffered and died in the opioid epidemic. Drawing on the Good Friday tradition of marking the 14 points or “stations” where Jesus stopped on his way to the cross, participants will stop and pray at 14 places where community members have died, starting and ending at Dundas and Sherbourne. The walk will take about 90-120 minutes, followed by a Good Friday worship service in the church at 12 p.m.
Music and murder help raise funds
All are invited to a “Music and Murder” fundraising event for the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine’s guest house renovation. It will take place on April 13 at 7:30 p.m. at St. James Cathedral Centre. The evening begins with live music by nationally acclaimed jazz musician Nathan Hiltz and his quartet, followed by a live performance of a radio play based on Louise Penny’s book Still Life. Tickets are $75 for in-person and $25 for online. Learn more on the Sisterhood’s website.
Deacons’ series continues
Join the deacons of Parkdale-West Toronto to explore Black history through the works of Black artists, storytellers and musicians. The next session of the Art of Resistance will be “Movement of Blacks to Canada Part 2: The Underground Railroad,” with special guest Roger Gibbs on March 21 at 7 p.m. Register online.
Dean emeritus to visit Toronto
The Very Rev. Robert Willis, dean emeritus of Canterbury Cathedral, will visit Toronto in March. He will lead a Lenten retreat at St. Michael and All Angels, 611 St. Clair Ave. W., on March 16 from 1-4 p.m. On March 17 he will preach at St. Michael’s at 10 a.m. On the afternoon of March 17, he will preach at Evensong at St. James Cathedral at 4:30 p.m. He will also take part in a vigil for peace and justice in the world beginning at 6:30 p.m. as part of the cathedral’s observation of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
External events
College hosts women’s breakfast
Wycliffe College his hosting a Women’s Breakfast on April 6 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Dr. Marion Taylor will speak on the theme “Silent No More: Reformation-Era Women Who Refused to Keep Silent.” Join in person or online from home, or host a women’s breakfast with a small group. In addition to the presentation and breakout discussion, participants will meet women studying at Wycliffe and hear about their journeys of spiritual formation. Tickets are $15 for the in-person event, and online tickets are free. Register online by March 21.
Conference to explore ’63 Congress
Registration is open for the MRIat60 conference on April 12-13 at St. Paul, Bloor Street or online. The conference will explore the Anglican Congress held in Toronto in 1963, with a keynote address by the Rev. Canon Dr. Mark Chapman of the University of Oxford and 21 papers presented by speakers from various parts of the Anglican Communion. Register online by April 4.
Sessions consider climate action
For Our Grandchildren, Green-Up and several organizations in the Peterborough area committed to climate action will be featured in a two-part online panel presentation highlighting their successes in fostering change and exploring opportunities for networking, collaboration and support. The first session will be on March 11 from 7-8 p.m. and the second will be on May 13. Sign up online.
Internship explores call to ministry
The Montreal Mission Internship is a paid summer internship for 18- to 25-year-olds with a heart for service and a desire to discern how God is calling them to serve in the world. Interns will serve at a social service organization in Montreal, reflect with other interns and with mentors on how God is working in and around them, and discern together how they are called to participate in God’s work. The internship runs from May 27 to July 26, and interns will receive a stipend of up to $5,000. To learn more, visit www.montrealmission.ca. There will be an online information session on March 12 from 12-1 p.m.
Sisterhood holding renovation sale
The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine is about to begin a major renovation of its guest house and has surplus furniture and household goods for sale. A renovation sale will take place on March 9 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. John’s Convent, 233 Cummer Ave., Toronto. For a list of items for sale, visit the Sisterhood’s website.
Job postings
Mission to Seafarers seeks regional director
Mission to Seafarers Canada is seeking a part-time regional director who will have overall responsibility for the leadership and guidance of the local Missions to Seafarers in Canada and the associate member missions in the U.S. See the full job post for more details. The salary will be $25,000 per year based on 20 hours per week. Apply to chair@missiontoseafarershalifax.ca.
Administrative assistant needed
The Diocese is looking for an experienced administrative assistant who will work with the Finance department to coordinate and support all IT-related issues at the diocesan office, provide support to the Finance department and coordinate all office management activities. The position is full-time for approximately 18 months. See the full job post for more details. Apply to hr@toronto.anglican.ca.
Parish seeking administrator
All Saints, Whitby is seeking a full-time parish administrator and bookkeeper. The position is hybrid, with a balanced focus on the efficient day-to-day administration of the parish office and the accurate accounting, tracking and reporting on parish income and expenditures. See the job description for more details. Apply to asposting300@gmail.com by 5 p.m. on March 28 with a cover letter, including salary range expectations, and a resume.
Parish seeking family outreach worker
Church of the Resurrection, a dynamic faith community that has built up a strong core group of families, children and youth, is seeking a qualified individual to grow neighbourhood outreach and develop and maintain work with families within the church and neighbourhood. Visit the parish’s website for the full job description.
Children’s minister sought
St. Paul, Bloor Street is seeking looking for a committed follower of Jesus Christ with a passion for children and families and a strong desire to serve, learn and grow. The successful candidate will report to the families minister and be responsible for planning, coordinating and leading the children’s ministry program. For full details, see the job post.
Children, youth and family minister wanted
Church of the Redeemer, Bloor St. is seeking a children, youth and family minister to join its ministry staff team. See the full job description for more details. This is a one-year contract position transitioning to permanent status. Apply to Susan Graham Walker, parish operations manager, at sgwalker@thereedemer.ca by March 18.
PWRDF seeks communications officer
The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is seeking a communications and marketing professional to support the implementation of PWRDF’s communications and marketing strategy starting May 1. Learn more on the PWRDF website. Apply by March 22 to pwrdf_careers@pwrdf.org.
AURA seeks part-time bookkeeper
AURA, the Anglican United Refugee Alliance, is seeking a dynamic individual with strong bookkeeping skills to support the organization as it helps newcomers resettle in the Toronto area through the federal Private Sponsorship of Refugees program. The position is a six-month contract starting in March, with the possibility of renewal or permanent part-time. See the full job post for more details. To apply, send a resume and cover letter to boardchair@auraforrefugees.org.
Parish seeking music director
St. Margaret, New Toronto is seeking a part-time music director who will bring new energy to plan and select music for Sunday services, for the main liturgical seasons and for special services, in consultation with the priest. Learn more in the full job post. To apply, email a cover letter and resume to priest-stmargaretnewtoronto@toronto.anglican.ca along with three recordings of music you have sung and played.
Summer chaplain needed
The Parish of Georgina is accepting applications for its 10-week summer outreach chaplaincy position starting late June. The primary focus of the chaplaincy is a ministry of presence at historic St. George’s Church adjacent to Sibbald Point Provincial Park. The ideal candidate will be a self-motivated individual with an interest in theological interpretation and historical buildings. Weekend work is essential, and your own transportation is required. Accommodations are not provided. For more information, contact Deacon Nancy at nancy@parishofgeorgina.org. Apply in writing before March 20 to Outreach Committee, Parish of Georgina, P.O. Box 88, Sutton West, ON L0E 1R0 or parish@parishofgeorgina.org.
Diocese seeks administrative assistant
The Diocese is looking for an experienced administrative assistant who will provide administrative support for the suffragan bishop’s episcopal ministry and the deaneries they oversee. See the full job post to learn more. To apply, forward your application to hr@toronto.anglican.ca.